
Hi there, I’m Simon O’Connor 👋

I’m based in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK (though originally from Manchester).

Currently I’m a Staff Graphics Engineer at Unity Technologies, makers of one of the world’s most popular 3D game engines. My role covers a wide range of things from tackling technical debt and architecture issues, working with engine code at the Vulkan and other graphics API level, through to working with GPU and platform partners to improve how they fit into Unity's platform ecosystem.

Most of my nearly 30 year career has been spent in engineering and leadership roles in the games or adjacent industries, specialising in graphics, multi-platform engine architecture, performance optimisation and hardware compatibility. As well as engine work, I have experience of many other areas like mobile, tools & pipeline dev, desktop apps, AWS cloud, gameplay, security & RE, image processing, and even 3D printing.

I’ve developed products on many platforms for companies including Unity, Lockwood Publishing, Perfected3D, Ubisoft, Atari, Acclaim, Hasbro and Europress.

Back in 2003 and for a few years following, I recieved a Microsoft MVP award for my contribution and expertise within the DirectX developer community.

If you want more details on any of the things I've done in my career, please see my LinkedIn profile or email me to ask for an up to date CV.

My contact email is web at this-domain, or send me a DM on Twitter or LinkedIn.

Outside of work, I love house music, colleciting vinyl records, making music in Ableton or Cubase, mountain biking, travel and adventure with my partner and our dog (who loves snow)

Credits: this site is built using Hugo with the Clarity theme.