23 things from 2023

It’s the end of 2023, so it’s a great time to reflect on 23 notable things (tools, books, habits, etc) that made a difference, particularly to my work but also other areas of life.
Some of these I’ve been using or doing longer than just this year, and most probably aren’t news to you, but I thought it worth sharing anyway:
- Git Worktrees
- Git branch naming trick
- Windows Terminal
- Debugging Android crashes with AOSP
- Parsec
- Hugo
- AWS Amplify
- Development Communities
- Jendrik’s Graphics Programming Weekly
- Google Codelabs
- Soundcloud Daily Drops
- Micro journaling via my daily TODO list
- Tracking my time with Clockify
- Do some work first, even if it’s at 5am
- User account separation
- Book: Four Thousand Weeks
- Book: The Effective Engineer
- Book: Set Boundaries, Find Peace
- Book: Start Small, Stay Small
- Giving up alcohol
- Counselling
- Having a dog
- Community as a remote first worker